Version 2

Version 2 of the game is on! Includes what was previously known as "Floor 2" with new maps, quests and major area redesigns.

-Moreover includes the "Temple" from the Main Menu, a kind of "skill-tree" for the game, with abilities unique for each character.

-Also includes new maps for the first areas of the game.

-Limited voice acting added. Hana, Kaliska and Azar now have their own SEs for various interactions. More will be added in the future.

-New sprites used for various stuff. Examples include new statues, new graphics for the kobolds, the minotaurs (as shared before in the devlogs) and other monsters. The previous directional arrows have also been replaced with new, custom ones, made of bone.

-Rearranged the order skills are acquired in each class. They will now make much more sense. Also deleted and modified many of the skills, so that they feel more unique.

-New perks available at Memory Lane. Pay close attention. Also some of the perks will now lock others from being acquired, in pairs of 2. (it will be mentioned in the note for each of them).

-Entering buildings will now auto-zoom the game, similar to how the player's childhood memory was zoomed. In-door dungeons will have a bit of a zoom as well, though to a lesser degree.

For the future: Before V3 is released, there will be a V2.5. It will include a village inbetween the docks and the Town of Beginnings, to act as more of a tutorial area and a place to complete quests and get more EXP. It will also include a CG for both of Azar's h-scenes added with this version (they are already available now, just without the CGs, waiting for Stoichion to finish them), new graphics & CG for the wererat encounter in the sewers and maybe a bit of an expansion for Imperia Academia.


2/24/21 - Broken Reality RPG V2
Feb 24, 2021

Get Broken Reality RPG


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(1 edit)

Can't wait to try this out later tonight! [tis evening in Australia]

Edit: Found out save files won't carry :P Good to have a refresher and a chance at playing slightly differently this time 'round though.