Minor Changes

While waiting for Stoichion and Owrless to deliver on the CGs (...), I've been ironing out some issues with the game.

1)Related to the new area, Dragontooth, between the Docks (which are now part of the main map) and the ToB, I have added new npcs in Yudah that offer to buy the rights to your corpse (it's part of some extended lore that I have already started in the currently uploaded version). They offer you 200 Col for it, so it's a good source of income early-on in the game. Agreeing to that deal turns on one of the game switches, so I can use it later for some nasty consequences for the player.

2)I have changed the wolf AI a bit. They now detect the player (directionally) from 3 squares (was 5), but they also have a constant non-directional 1 square detection (basically your smell). They also chase the player at higher speeds once detecting them.

3)Fixed how Hana's and Azar's busts appeared in dialogues (it just looked weird). Now, at the cost of their hips a bit, they are at a higher resolution and they fit much better with the rest of the game's busts.

4)For battles, I got new voice files from Hana's voice actress, with dedicated battle yells, like Kaliska has (along with some more stimulating stuff for her future h-scenes).

5)Added proper name boxes in dialogues on a few more NPCs.

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