Progress & Future Plans

The last few days have gone surprisingly smoothly, with the mini-patches coming with bug fixes & slightly more content, while making progress for Version 4.

As a reminder, the plan is: "Version 3.5" -> "Version 4" -> "bug fixes" -> "DLC content creation" -> "Steam release with DLC"

Version 3.5 will be a big dungeon in the Forests of Shilai (the currently locked "Yudah's Healer's Union Outpost") & will probably include Hana's very own Memory Lane, with permanent modifications for her character.

Version 4 will be the isle with the city of Kronos (the previous Floor 4 from the old versions), which will be accessible through the docks, due to mapping reasons (I've slowly been designing a general map of Psema, and Kronos as a part of Yudah really didn't fit the topography). For both versions 3.5 and 4 I need some sprites that I am due to get from Yummy on the 9th (so soon from the time this is posted). For version 4 I will also need Bloodfang's busts, which unfortunately haven't even began to being worked yet (Stoichion is currently doing a smutty CG of Hana, I'm trying to make him hurry but he's not exactly famous for speedy deliveries). I have considered assigning Bloodfang to another artist, but because he's a permanent party member, I'm hesitant. It would probably be best for a style homogeny, at least for the basic party.

Anyway, from the 9nth, using the sprites from the huge order I made from Yummy (part of which were the new Raggs and ogre sprites), I'll be doing some awesome stuff. Right afterwards I'll probably have him do sprites for Ayumi.

A few things to ask player opinions on:

1)Currently Hana's Lady Wendigo Outfit is only available if the player not only met Raggs, but actually didn't kill him, and then found him again in the Forests of Shilai. Do you think I should make it accessible in another way as well (probably through a shop in Version 4) or leave it as it is, as a unique reward for those player choices?

2)Currently berserkers have no class girl and rogues have Sangsue, but since she's not romancable they basically have no unique romance either. For the next character, after Stoichion makes Bloodfang, I'm thinking of having a Vampire lady as a second class girl of rogues (this time romancable), what do you think? It will give me an excuse to go for a full gothic atmosphere. Stoichion also suggested a slime girl or a succubus.

3)The Steam DLC will include ~apart from huge folders with the various arts & complete voice actings of the game~ quite a few in-game events & about 4 different exclusive outfits. I have plenty of ideas for the in-game events (I've been thinking of doing a "And Then There Were None" mission for a long while), what kind of outfits would you like to see? Because they're DLC extras it's not an issue if they're either fanservice-y or comical (for example Hana in a nurse outfit or Kaliska as an onion or something).

4)I have been thinking of making a "Buy Me a Coffee" account (about the same thing as Patreon but without monthly subscriptions and with less money witheld) for a while, probably a bit after Version 3.5. Any amount of money I could make off it would be a big help. I still have money saved for Broken Reality and Ayumi, but I want to have more spending freedom with them, for voice actors, arts & possibly scripts. Would folks support me if I made one?

5)Do you think I should assign Bloodfang to another artist?

Leave the comments down below, and have fun.

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1) I think consequences are important for the "Suffer through your choices" promise in the presentation of the game, but as it's only an outfit, it would be probably better to make it accesible through a shop as well... as a really expensive thing, of course. xD

2) I think it depends on how important romance is in the concept of the game. If it's a major feature, then a romanceable class girl for rogues would be necessary.  However, if romance is not that important in the game, then maybe Sangsue, as the special not romanceable class girl, should be given more attention to develop more things about Psema related to the key aspects of her plot.

3) Gouki in a kid-like wolf costume, definitely.

4) If PayPal works there, then yeah.

5) Style homogeny for permanent party members sounds important to me, unless the art fails to reflect the essence of the character or something like that.

Thank you for the incredible experience!!


Haven't had the chance to play much, but I reckon adding dialogue/story for if Raggs is killed and the effects of that potentially guilt-tripping the player would be fun for the clothes to appear in a shop later on, unsure of how difficult that may be to implement though.


So far it looks like you really put a lot of hard work and effort into making this game. Here soon I'll try it out for myself. Unfortunately I can't donate otherwise I for sure would. However I really wish you the best luck and best fortunes on your endeavors making this game possible. :)