V 3.5 On the Works

I have received & edited the new sprites from Yummy. I am currently  working on version 3.5, while Stoichion makes Bloodfang's bust (both for werewolf and human forms).

Along with other additions, the Regulators have been updated with all new 2D models, Eraf has received a new 2D model of his own, and in general a lot of fun stuff are coming our way. Stay tuned.

I am really hoping I can keep V 3.5 as a small update and not start changing the entire game again, so I can focus on making version 4 great.

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(1 edit)

Not gonna lie rutsah, the bug regulator looks a bit plain, is early model is more unnerving imo, well that just my opinion and you know how dangerous is to have a opinion on internet, good luck developing the game, I am watching with great interest.

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The early model was pseudo-3d (aka a real 3d model that was snapshot into 2D frames), which is why it was more unnerving, since it fit the otherwise 2D world of the game less. While I can appreciate that (and might use it in the future) it still wasn't an original sprite like the current one is.

The one advantage the current one has is that I have 2 versions of it, one for moving, and one (the above) for when the bug is stationary, meaning when I'm using the above model for the intro, the anemones on its heads are moving even if the rest of its body is static, so there is a bit of an animation to it.