Version 3.7.3

Version 3.7.3 fixes a lot of bugs and makes minor improvements to some dialogues etc. In the more noteworthy changes: 1)Leveling-up now refills both your HP AND MP, making life somewhat easier for blood magi in the early game. 2)Some perks have been reworked (for example Second Chance now limits the total exp you receive to 25% instead of removing combat exp entirely and leaving the rest). Many of their descriptions have also been changed so that you can see all the +es and -es at the end. 3)Item order in your inventory has been changed. As some user suggested, the "All" tab is now at the top. 4)Kaliska has had some small graphic changes, mostly removing the previous scarf from her face, so that her faceset fits with all outfits.

I am off on holidays now, will be back at the 25th or so. I will have my laptop with me, so it is quite possible that when I get back, Version 4 will be all ready (for now, it looks like version 3.8 will be skipped since Stoichion is taking his time with Xia). I am also having Amber (my Ayumi/Ambiercean Psalm) artist do the achievement art for Broken Reality, so things are going well for the steam release.

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Woo, Blood Magi buff, love to hear it :P