9/19/2018 Version Released!~

(direct link: https://drive.google.com/open?id=10uyMKMdE13N2AwJgIyruWmFPYNpH-7br)

What's changed:

-Fixed all reported bugs from previous versions.

-Major stat changes for all classes. Now all classes need way more exp to levelup. Hana's class completely revamped. She can no longer wear general armor, but can wear light armor and magia clothes.

-Permabuffs added. Well-Rested buff also added by sleeping in specific inns, doubling exp gained (until the player walks a long distance or rests again).

-Optional perks at the start of the game added (permabuffs & permadebuffs with each, Fallout 1&2 style). The NPC who gives them has also been temporarily placed in Urbus, for players of previous versions.

-Useless moves deleted. Katana weapon type deleted. New minor debuffs added, including: fractured rib, impaired vision and strained leg, all with different, minor effects. Can be fixed with bandages or by resting. Weapons used have a chance to cause respective states.

-Exclusive armor types added for Hana, Bloodfang, Hachi. Kaliska and Azar.  These exclusive armors are rewards from unique, hard quests, or rewards for romancing them up.

-All skills now include their exact formula in the description (keep in mind the damage/healing done is +/-30 of whatever the exact result would be).

-Bloodfang is now romancable (apparently people were way more into that than I thought)

-Insanity, estrogen and testosterone stats added to the game. For now insanity doesn't do much (in the next patch it will play a major role). It is a stat that once up, never goes down (increases only through unwise player choices). Estrogen & testosterone affect how the player is treated by men and women respectively,  and likewise go up through very specific, non-repeated things (though they can go down too, unlike insanity).

-Nao stealth mission added on Floor 5, for assassins only. Uses mechanics previously introduced such as patroling guards, dynamic lighting etc.

-Potential ending to the game added (not canon one).

-Floor 2's sloppy volcano dungeon has been completely remade. Now it's a super dungeon, featuring various mechanics and treasure to uncover, at super-difficulty levels.

-Floor 7 completely revamped. Inlcudes all-new quests, full area redesign, new and old characters making cameos, completely redesigned arena fights (one less arena fight now but they're way more exciting and demanding), new Hana outfits, new shops, new events and a crapload more. Explore it! (players who had already completed the arena fights from a previous version, can talk with the npc Mosquitto, in front of the arena entrance, to experience the whole thing again with the new version. She will be removed in the next major patch.).

-New events the first time players rest in an inn.

-Players who have romanced Hachi enough get to experience an... "Interesting" rest, in Floor 10. Optional, and going through with it will make Hana like you less. (strictly 18+)

-Traps in Floor 10 updated so they work with the new system. They are visible to the naked eye (though not much), and once revealed by the "Detect Trap" skill of assassins, will stay revealed. Floor 10 also features dynamic lighting now.

-New areas and small improvements for Floor 13.

-New UI used for item management. You can finally make sense of your weapon stacks!~

-New font used.

-New journal entry type added.

-Started experimenting with some new scripts. You will realise which ones they are by visiting floors 5 & 7.

-Many more minor/semi-major changes!


9/18/18 Version
Sep 18, 2018

Get Broken Reality RPG


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download link is missing

New version just released, try it out. (new post has been made with the changelog)

dead link!!!!