The Next Patch

So... Since 2 days ago, I have began work on the next patch of Broken Reality. The initial plan was that the previous (latest patch released), "The Great Jade Robbery" would include the 2nd mission of both assassins AND sword artists, so that I could proceed straight to Theodoxa (aka floor 14) with the update after that. Due to time restraints, I ended up releasing releasing "The Great Jade Robbery" only with the second assassin mission.

To do a recap: My goal before releasing Theodoxa/Floor 14 (which will signal the Steam release of the game) was to have released 2 out of the 4 missions for each class girl that complete their mini story arc (their story won't end after that, no worries).

The current released missions are: 2/4 for assassins 2/4 for blood magi 3/4 for berserkers 1/4 for sword artists

In other words, sword artists are all that's left before Theodoxa, which has been foreshadowed since the start of the game, and will include many endings to it (I will explain more about Theodoxa on a later post). So I had 2 options, when I began designing the 2nd mission for sword artists.

A)Do a rush job so I can finally start working on Theodoxa. B)Fuck it. We're going nuclear.

So obviously I went with B. What I am trying to say is:

The next patch will be called "Into the Jungle" and it will be THE SIZE OF A FLOOR.

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